KOLAM — machine learning / art therapy
Kolam is an interactive experience that allows people to create soundscapes based on the shapes they draw on sand. It brings the effects of art therapy and music therapy into a single experience that allows the individual to use the act of creation as a medium for healing.
/ concept video
To create this experience, we used machine learning tools and trained our device to recognize common drawing patterns that we observed during our early user tests.
The system consisted of a program running convolutional OSC which trained our machine through the Wekinator software. Then it forwarded the data to a program called Ableton OSC and finally to the Ableton Live software to modify music.
Drawing on and turning the board modified the soundscape while shaking the board to erase the drawings would bring the soundscape back to its neutral state.
/ team
arvind sanjeev
can yanardag
somayeh ranjbar
Testing with kids at Copenhagen Maker.